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AP Exams Week 1 - Proctored MCQ - Quiz 5


Anirudh Ramachandran, Ms. Naidu, Period 4 Score: 45/50

3. For which of the following procedure calls does the procedure NOT return the intended value?

Select two answers.



B and C



B and D

The issue with C is that the procedure adds -2 to the result a total of 5 times, which results in a final product of -10, not +10. This is just being more careful at the start of the test, and not rushing since your computer was heating up for no reason at the start of the period.

15. Which of the following best compares the values displayed by programs A and B?


WRONG: Program A and program B display a different number of values, D


RIGHT: Program A and program B display the same number of values, but the values differ, C

Each of the programs display 10 values. To not get mixed up on the AP exam, write out all the values on a piece of paper. The same algorithm is run except i is displayed one value earlier in the left most, and after being added to 1 in the right most.

17. Which of the following best compares the execution times of the two versions of the program?


WRONG: C, Version II requires approximately 1 more minute to execute than version I.

RIGHT: D, Version II requires approximately 5 more minutes to execute than version I.

If you look in the code where GetPrediction is used in the code, you’ll see that its called once per item in the list for the first procedure and twice for the second, as well as once more additional in the final return statement. Therefore, 4 is five greater than 9, and the answer is D.

44. Which of the following is an example of an attack using a rogue access point?


WRONG: C, An unauthorized individual poses as a network administrator and attempts to trick a user into providing personal information.

RIGHT: A, An unauthorized individual gains the ability to view network traffic by connecting to a network router that uses weak or no security measures.

A rogue access point is where users gain unauthorized access to secure networks, and then can modify and analyze data that is sent over public networks. C is wrong is it is an example of a phishing attack.