Home Data Structures Project Test Prep Study Create Task Sponsered Project Cross Over Review Tickets Accounts and Login Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

About me

I’ve worked coded in CSP for two trimesters, and am now working to understand how to code in python. I enjoy messing with code, and collaborating with others to get difficult tasks completed!


For our idea for the sponsored project, we first thought to make an utilities page for AP Stats, a class many of our group members were in. However, we found a better idea when we asked Mr. M, who needed to database of his students to remember what period they were in, their github and slack usernames, and their project.

Project and Technical Plan

So far, I have worked in the minilabs assigned in CSP, and have worked last trimester to try and create a better version of canvas. I have technical expertise in created APIs, since I have made a lot of them first trimester. I have struggled a bit with MVC second trimester, but will try my hardest to get things done and learn along the way.

Create Task

Already covered in Create Task Tab.