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Proctored MCQ Week2 : Quiz3 and Create Task review


Anirudh Ramachandran, Ms. Naidu, Period 4 Score: 48/50

12. Which of the following algorithms display all integers between 1 and 20, inclusive, that are not divisible by 3 ?

Select two answers.




A and C




A and D

The issue with C is that once the program reaches 20, it terminates, meaning it never displays that value as not divisible by 3. D is correct since step 4 of the program goes to greater than 20, or 21.

24. What is the minimum number of connections that must be broken or removed before device B can no longer communicate with device C?




Even if connections A-C, C-D, and B-D were removed, there is one path left that traverses B-E-F-C. The only reason I got this one wrong was because I wasn’t really paying attention and was just going fast to finish the test on time. I need to slow down.

To show fidelality, here is a correction for a problem that I got correct, but wasn’t really sure about.

46. Which of the following is an example of symmetric encryption?


RIGHT: B, Finn and Gwen develop a system that maps each letter of the alphabet to a unique symbol using a secret key. Finn uses the key to write a message to Gwen where each letter is replaced with the corresponding symbol. Gwen uses the key to map each symbol back to the original letter.

Symmetric Encryption is defined as using the same private key to crypt and decyrpt information. Therefore, A is ruled out since different keys are used in the encryption and decryption process. C is out since there is no encryption, rather just a hiding place for the message. D is incorrect since the same method isn’t used for encryption and decryption.